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Want Ad – Rene Bradley
Posted by Rene.Bradley in Help Wanted Wednesday, 30 May 2018 20:43 No Comments
I am searching for a person or persons who will be willing to work as my Assistant at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.
It for 9 days the 1st of Sept. The pay is not great, but the people you would be working with are. I am hoping that this person or persons would be willing to train and take over my position as Beef Superintendent. The work is not hard, the days can be long (8 to 8), but you get free parking for a camper and your vehicle, plus free passes to get into the fair. AND the Fair Board invites us for 2 dinners each year, one before the fair and one after. FREE FOOD!!!
I love working at the fair, the folks are so nice, plus you get to see all the different breeds of cattle. I have spent the last 10 years working to build the numbers up in the barns and am looking for someone who will continue to work towards this goal.
The Fair will be undergoing some changes in the near future and I had hoped to be able to stay until that happened, but although my mind is willing my body is telling me that I have to think about quitting.
The qualifications are:
+ Like cattle and working with people.
+ Have a fairly even temper and be able to solve problems without becoming angry.
+ Ages between 25 and 65, man or woman. Preferably with no small children that would need to be at the fair all the time.
+ Be able to work without direct supervision. If you see something that needs done, do it!
If you or someone you know would like to talk about this great job opportunity, please call me or have them call me, or give me their phone number.
Rene’ Bradley
A Special Thanks…
Posted by Rene.Bradley in Community Announcement Wednesday, 11 May 2016 14:43 No Comments
Arbon truly is a great place to live. So many caring folks.
I want to send out a special thanks to the men who came last Saturday morning and cleaned up the trash left from the leaves and trees in my yard. What a busy bunch. It sure didn’t take long and they had it all raked up and loaded to haul away. It sure looks better now.
A special thanks to Shanna Perkins for the pan of cinnamon rolls to perk us all up. Get it? Perked up by Perkins? HAHA!!
Thanks again, I really appreciate you caring help.
Rene’ Bradley
Thank You!
Posted by Rene.Bradley in Community Announcement Saturday, 18 April 2015 19:01 No Comments
Once again I have been reminded just how great it is to live in Arbon Valley. Last Saturday a group of men from this valley came to my house, repaired my chimney, cleaned the dead leaves and branches off the roof, picked all the broken branches and leaves from under my trees and hauled all that trash away and dumped it. My yard looks so nice.
What a super bunch of guys to care enough to take the time to give another a much needed lift. My heartfelt thanks goes out to each of these men. God bless you all.
Rene’ Bradley
Thank You!
Posted by Rene.Bradley in Community Announcement Sunday, 27 July 2014 21:51 No Comments
Once again I am reminded of just what a great place Arbon Valley is to live. So many wonderful friends and neighbors. We are most fortunate to live in a community that still cares about each other. So many don’t know just how valuable that is in today’s world.
A few weeks ago, some very lovely ladies came and helped me clean my house and even washed windows. Was a most pleasant time with much laughter and busy hands that made short work of what would have taken me hours or days to do. They are so special to me.
This past Saturday, a very lively bunch of men came and within an hour and a half they had cleaned up, hauled away, mowed and stacked until my yard and around my house was almost shining. Oh yes, not to forget the gentleman who came and fixed my closet doors. What a wonderful bunch of neighbors and friends I have. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes just having things cleaned up makes all the difference in an older person’s outlook on life. I know it sure did mine.
Thank you so very much.
Rene’ Bradley
Help Wanted
Posted by Rene.Bradley in Help Wanted Tuesday, 15 April 2014 14:06 No Comments
Someone looking to make some extra money helping me get my spring work caught up and the winters trash hauled down to the dumpster. Involves yard work and lifting.
Please call me if you are interested.
Rene’ Bradley